Aviation Book FAQs

1. How soon can I get my order?

We ship our pre-tabbed FAR/AIM books with USPS. Once your order is placed, your book typically ships out within 3-7 business days. Depending on where you live in the country, your order can take between 2-4 days to arrive (we ship from the Pacific Northwest) once shipped. We offer rush shipping and overnight shipping for an additional fee.

DIY tabs are shipped out with USPS Ground Advantage and can take between 1-5 days to arrive. Rush shipping is also available for these items.


2. What do the colors of the tab mean? How are the tabs organized?

The tabs are color coded according to private pilot regulations, instrument specific regulations, commercial regulations and instructor regulations. Each book comes with a short guide with a more detailed explanation of the color coding system. 

3. What is tabbed out?

The tabs are created from ASA’s suggested study list (found in the FAR/AIM itself). Not every single regulation found on the list is tabbed out (in order to prevent overcrowding the book with tabs). Instead, the most important and commonly focused-on regulations have been tabbed. Our books focus heavily on Parts 61, 91 and the AIM.

4. Isn't this book considered cheating?

No! The FAA, your CFIs, your DPEs and your future passengers all depend on you, the pilot, to know the regulations both for safety and for competent, efficient operations. To that end, it is almost a 100% certainty that you as a student pilot have been instructed to tab out your own FAR/AIM.

So why do we offer pre-tabbed FAR/AIMs

  1. To save you time! Don’t waste your time flipping back and forth between the suggested study list and the page. Don’t waste your time hand writing tabs. Let us do that for you and go straight to studying.
  2. Sometimes, hand writing can let you down. Forget squinting at scribbles trying to figure out what that tab you wrote says.
  3. Flight bags get messy and tabs can get ruined in there. Our plastic, highly adhesive tabs are certainly more durable than paper sticky notes.

5. How does this book help me?

See answer question #4

6. If I get this book, do I still need to study the FAR/AIM?

Yes! The FAR/AIM is a document filled to the brim with important information for all pilots. Not every single regulation will pertain to every single pilot but nothing bad has ever happened to the pilot who is too knowledgeable. Golden nuggets of information abound in the pages of the FAR/AIM and although you may not find everything you read to be immediately useful, it just may be that one day in your piloting career, you will be glad you studied the regulations! 

Just because the tabs are there does not mean that you know the content of the regulations! These tabs are only as helpful as you make them. Remember: these tabs are a study tool!

7. Are parts 135 or 121 in this book?

No. ASA does not print parts 135 or 121 in the FAR/AIM. Instead, you can find those in the FAR-FC, which we currently do not tab. 


How to Install Your Northstar Aviation DIY Tabs

Video Time Stamps

00:00 Introduction & Package Contents
03:00 How to place your FAR/AIM Tabs along the side
13:44 How to place the Top of Page Tabs
19:19 How to place Dot Stickers for Combo Versions (PPL + Inst.) (PPL + Inst + Comm) (CFI) (CFII)
27:39 How to place Dot Stickers for Standalone Versions (Private) (Instrument) (Commercial)
32:55 How to remove a Tab if you make a mistake
35:54 Conclusion

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