Understanding Different Types of Altitudes July 2023Altitude can be a difficult thing to grasp, especially when you throw in the formulas and how each is mathematically figured. However, the first step is truly understanding the difference...
V- Speeds: What You Need to Know July 2023Each V-speed (and there are many) is technically a specific speed for a specific maneuver in a specific configuration. While that’s a mouthful, it essentially boils down this: The speed at...
What is the FAR/AIM? And Why is It Important? July 2023For those who aren’t well versed in using the heavy, nausea inducing and all encompassing federal guideline booklet, let’s take a look and break it down so that the FAR/AIM...
When Can You Descend Below Decision Altitude (Height)/Minimum Descent Altitude? FAR 91.175c June 2023As you work your way down the ACS and think through your holds and brief your approaches, at some point the examiner is guaranteed to ask you: “When you are...
Preflight Action - FAR 91.103 June 2023While the integrity of the aircraft is extremely vital to the flight, a vast majority of pilots overlook other tasks that should be a part of a good preflight. Thankfully, the...
Big News: 2024 ASA FAR/AIM Pre-Orders are Almost Here June 2023Pre-orders for Northstar Aviation Pre-Tabbed FAR/AIMs are expected to go live on Monday July 17th. Make sure you get your pre-order in so you can get your copy ASAP.